Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fall 2012


We went to a pumpkin patch this year because we had a groupon to use, so we met up with Mom, Katie & the boys!

This year for Halloween we just took the kids to see Grandpa and Grandma Rietman so they could see the kids and so we could see my nephews and then we went to church for pizza! We had Kyle’s parents watch the girls the night before so we could go to a Right to Life dinner, so we just had the girls in their costumes when they came!


Best attempt of a good picture



Makenna thought it was pretty cool that her sister was in her bed!



Watching daddy mow the lawn!



Last week Sunday we had Katie come to take some pictures for us for our Christmas cards! These are just a few we came up with! Check out Makenna’s little sass!




We haven’t been able to take Makenna out very much to play on the playground in our subdivision(which is conveniently located right next to our house), so we took her out there yesterday while Peyton was napping and she absolutely loved it! She even went down the slide by herself, which surprised Kyle and I! She had a little meltdown when we told her it was time to go!

Peyton-2 months old


Peyton turned 2 months old on October 17! She has been such an easy baby just like her sister!


-she weighed 10lbs 7 oz at her 2 month appt and is 22.75 in. long!

-she loves just being in her swing or bouncy seat

-wears newborn diapers and clothes but is real close to moving up to size 1 diapers!

-sleeps so good through the night! We have had a few nights of her needing her paci a lot but we never have to get her out of the crib! We have some great sleepers! She usually sleeps from 10/11ish-7 or 8ish!

-has 4 oz. every 4 hours!

-still loves her paci

-loves to smile



Visiting Laura, Harlyn & Asher



Peyton was baptized on September 30! She was not a happy girl being held!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Our little dancer

I just had to post this video! It cracks me up every time! She just looks so serious!! I took it with my phone so sorry it's so small!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Peyton-1 month-September 17



Peyton turned a month old on September 17! We have been busy with two and have even gone on an overnight trip!

Peyton weighs 8 lbs 15 oz.  She is still a little peanut!

-she is in size Newborn diapers

-has 3-4 oz. about every 4 hours during the day

-since she was a few days old she has been sleeping through the night, we hope this continues!

-starting to give smiles

-loves to be swaddled for naps and nighttime

-made an overnight trip to Shipsee for Labor Day with the extended Rietman family! The girls did great! Except for the fact that Peyton had her first major blowout on Grandma Rietman!!

-loves her paci

-went to her 1st fair(Hudsonville Fair)

-has long fingers skinny fingers just like her mommy


Met your friend Asher~ they are 4 days apart


1st stroller ride



Sister love



Thursday, August 30, 2012

Peyton-2 weeks old!!

Wow! I can't hardly believe that Peyton is going to be 2 weeks old tomorrow! Time has just flown! We have been busy around here and have been adjusting well! Here is what Peyton has been up to:
-She weighs 7lbs 15 oz.(had a weight check on Wednesday)
-has been sleeping 8-10 hours at night most nights! We can not complain about that! She does have her fussy moments before bed but we will take those if she sleeps that great already! Makenna was sleeping through the night at 3 weeks I believe!
-has 2-3 oz. every 3-4 hours during the day! She makes the same little smacking noise that her big sister did!
-has made several trips to the cottage already! She seems to love it and just chills out in the shade!
And now for the picture overload....


Makenna-18 months

We had both of the girls well child visits last Monday! So I will start with Makenna and what she has been up to the last few months! Her 18 month stats are: 26lbs 4 oz for weight which is the 75th percentile, her height is 32.5 inches which is also 75th!

She wears mainly 12-18 month clothes with some 6-12 month things yet! She wears size 4 diapers.

She says probably 10-15 words, some of our favorites are uh-oh, what's that and she thinks all animals are cows!

She just is getting all 4 molars, so we are up to 10 teeth! But still waiting on 2 more bottom incisors!

She still will take a morning and afternoon nap but usually if her morning nap goes too long her afternoon nap is shot!

She loves to play outside and be at my parents cottage to swim!

When she turned 17 months we tried the toddler bed since we were expecting another girl about a month later! We were so surprised how well she did and thinks its pretty cool!

Here 1st night she ended up like this...
we did not leave her this way!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our new addition..Peyton Grace

Peyton Grace
                             Came into this world at 4:20 pm on August 17!
                               Weighing 7lbs 15 oz and 20 in. long!

 1st picture with Peyton

 Makenna meeting her new sister! She was not so sure the first night!

More pictures to come! We get to leave the hospital this morning and start our life as a family of 4 at home!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Makenna 12-16 months

Makenna turns 16 months old tomorrow! So before I forget all the important details I figured I should write them all down! So don't mind all the randomness!

12 month appt stats- 20 lbs 11 oz. -29 1/2 in. Both were 50% I think!
15 month appt stats- 24 lbs 5 oz. -31 in. Both were a little above 75%

Makenna started walking a few days before she was 14 months old! She just started taking off one day, none of that 2-3 step walking, it was a good 10-15 steps at a time! She just loves walking and thinks she is pretty cool stuff! This was the first day walking, we were a bit excited and so glad we got it on video!

She now has 6 teeth and she is teething right now and always has her hands in her mouth!

She signs "more and please", waves bye-bye and hi, plays patty cake and peek a boo, is starting to point to her nose, belly and mouth!

Words she says: da-da, mom, uh-oh, oh wow, yum and yay!
she jabbers constantly and expects you to understand her!

Loves to look at books, watch Boz the Bear and play outside!

-still sleeps great at night and takes 2 naps most days!


Birthday Party!

Easter 2012

iPhone pics

Oh... and Makenna is going to be a big sister!!!!

27 weeks-due August 16